Monday 11 June 2012

Well, well, well.

Man I haven't used this in a while. Cobwebs everywhere... Maybe I'll start posting in a semi-regular pattern, who knows.

Saturday 24 March 2012

I feel like a survivor against a horde of zombies.

As you may well have guessed, I'm a brony. At my school I am one of 7 known bronies vs around another 1000+ people so when I express my 'bronyism' I get chased around by witch hunters. However, in an attempt to find more bronies we are placing 'pocket ponies' around the school. Fun!

Monday 5 December 2011

Merry Chri-NO!!!!!

Now, christmas is coming up and something has cropped up on me. Well, it snuck up and slapped my britishness round the face. For some reason, people are so scared to be racist, they are changing tradition.
First there was the shenanigans with England not being allowed to wear poppies during their game. Why? How does remembrance offend someone? Are people really that stupid? Remembrance day has been going for years and years and the poppy goes along with it. Its for remembering people who have died during wars, past and present, but its also for remembering people who have left us naturally. So disallowing proper remembrance is disrespectful straight off.
Now with christmas, this starts to get ridiculous. We aren't allowed to say 'Merry Christmas' to people and have to say 'Happy Holidays' instead. Why? Because apparently christmas is offensive. So, christmas, the holiday celebrated by quite a majority of the population whom a lot of aren't even christian, a holiday which has become essentially religion neutral, is now offensive. So we can't wish each other good will or anything. Sure its derived from a christian holiday, which in turn was a stolen pagan festival, but it has changed it something universal. Its the exchanging of gifts, the family get together and the christmas dinner. I couldn't care less about Jesus and his birth, in fact if I see another nativity play I will kill someone.
I would happily say 'Happy Diwali' to someone or wish someone well on their Bar Mitzvah. If someone said "God bless you" to me I wouldn't turn around, punch them in the face and shout "I DON'T BELIEVE IN HIM. YOU HAVE OFFENDED ME." No, it wouldn't bother me, not in the slightest. So if you get offended by me wishing you a Merry Christmas, tell me so I can punch you right in the nose for being a disrespectful, close minded idiot.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Warhammer is Magic!

So my fan fiction is up on my DeviantART now if you want to read it. Only chapter one so far, it will be continuous so don't worry.

Sunday 27 November 2011

New line of work

So, as of late I've been dabbling in writing. I've always preferred art as a medium because its easier to describe the action and you tend to have the one set detail level. In writing, I never know how much detail is too much detail, I could write pages on one person with ease. I also don't know the boundaries of such things as detail of gore, nudity or sex, last time I wrote something I went into a little bit too much detail on how a guys body reacted as a pole arm sliced him in two, stomach upwards.
So as my way of trying to work it out I am going to be writing a story set in the Warhammer 40K universe. Pretty standard you say? Apart from the fact its an MLP cross over. Yeah. If you want to follow my progress check my deviantArt scarclawed. Otherwise, I'll keep you posted on here.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Postcard from Azeroth #4

You know I said this would be a weekly feature? Yeah not for a while... My subscription ran out on Friday (Skyrim's release day, fishy...) And I've decided not to buy another 2 months for 3 reason:
1. I got Skyrim.
2. I haven't played it since that disastrous raid because of boredom.
3. I'm saving the money for a new PC.
So, I will be filling the gap with other topics. I plan on giving my view on Skyrim and other stuff so don't worry.


Saturday 12 November 2011

Bitch's be trippin'

Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm not sexist. I may make the occasional joke but that's it, so don't take the title the wrong way. So basically after that whole relationship fiasco we haven't spoken. I'm not ignoring her but I'm only talking to her if she starts the conversation which I think is fine, I mean she obviously isn't making any special attempt to stay friends so I don't care. Now, the thing is, I see what she is trying to pull. At least I think I do. Because of societies inability to express emotion in person, facebook is used instead, meaning she is leaving status like "He loves me for who I am" and other amounts of bullocks, all subtly directed at me. So I think she is trying to give me the guilt trip, so I'd come back and apologise or something.
Funny thing is, I'm not the one who needs to apologise. So, on the off chance you read this; Grow. Up. You're a silly little girl who doesn't understand shit about other people. The world does not revolve around you, no matter how much attention you get. Oh and keep your dirty little dog away from me, my friends and my stuff. You people pollute the earth and ruin the good stuff, so sort yourself out and get back to me.